Pursuing IVF

I was hoping I wouldn't ever make this choice. The realization about how real this is, what it means, how it will feel and how much it will take is terrifying. Christopher and I have decided to pursue IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) Next Summer. This is a huge step for us, it's scary, emotional, expensive, draining and there's no promise for a baby at the end of it. It's been over five years of trying, testing, tracking, timingsobbing, begging God, and praying. This is just where we are now and the realization that this truly may be our only chance at a biological child is a very real thing.

We've been talking about IVF for the last year, I had an idea a year ago how this may be the only way for us, and Chris needed a while to get used to the Idea but he's been supportive of the idea since we talked about it a year ago. Five years  is a very long time, 1,825 days to be exact, it's been so draining as a human, Infertility has completely changed who I am, how I think, process, and communicate, it's given me more compassion and empathy for others and really helped me to look beyond how people act into what's going on in their lives and heart. I'm grateful for that.

This is a lot of unknown, it's scary and even terrifying. There's tests to take, medications, and needles, ultrasounds, Dr appointments and so much more. It's $10,000-$15,000 to get it the procedure done. Our insurance doesn't cover it so we will be saving money up over the next year. We don't believe in loans or financing, we refuse to yet again be in debt. We will be paying out of pocket for it, and raising money. We will be having a Dr appointment with our Specialist in April or May sometime to talk about our Future and figure out a game plan and timing, Tests, and insurance.

We are excited and of course scared, so much goes into this process but If this could give us a child, we are more then willing to do it. We have been praying, hoping, begging God for years for this baby, but it hasn't happened. There's always a chance God will give us our miracle baby and we will still be hoping and praying for that in the next year, but if not we are so happy to have real HOPE for our future. It's amazing knowing that if by next summer we don't get pregnant we have IVF in our plan. That gives us hope and definitely excitement. Thank you for your continued prayers and support for our journey we appreciate your prayers and love.


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