
Showing posts from March, 2018

Pursuing IVF

I was hoping I wouldn't ever make this choice. The realization about how real this is, what it means, how it will feel and how much it will take is terrifying . Christopher and I have decided to pursue IVF ( In Vitro Fertilization ) Next Summer. This is a huge step for us, it's scary, emotional, expensive , draining and there's no promise for a baby at the end of it. It's been over five years of trying , testing , tracking , timing ,  sobbing, begging God , and praying . This is just where we are now and the realization that this truly may be our only chance at a biological child is a very real thing. We've been talking about IVF for the last year, I had an idea a year ago how this may be the only way for us, and Chris needed a while to get used to the Idea but he's been s upportive of the idea since we talked about it a year ago. Five years  is a very long time, 1,825 days to be exact, it's been so draining as a human, Infertility ...