Our Story

I've known my wonderful husband Christopher since we were little kids, we ended up dating online when he was deployed in 2010, which lead to falling head over heals in love with him. We got married February 12th, 2011 in my parents living room with a few witnesses and my childhood pastor. It was perfect. Six months later we had our big "white wedding" and it was a dream. We've now been Married for seven years. My husband is my life, he's the most kind, sweet, loving man on the planet. He's been my rock. He's lead me with such grace and kindness. We've both been through more in the last 8 years of being a couple, then we thought we would in a lifetime. He's been there to hold me, love me, walk with me and fight for me.

A year after we married, we found out we were pregnant. It was a surprise and even a little shocking. We were trying to wait two years, but it had barely been one. The day we were set to announce it to our Families, we had a miscarriage. We went from joy to heartbreak in less then a week. That really opened up our eyes to wanting to be parents as soon as possible. It gave us such a huge desire to have babies, although we'd talked about it and had baby names picked out since our wedding day, this really lit a fire in us. We went through many other times we thought we were pregnant overseas, to no avail. 

After two years of trying, we finally went and saw a specialist, we got tested and we're both perfectly healthy (A blessing for sure!) We were given the diagnosis of "Unexplained Infertility" basically they don't know why we can't get pregnant and a procedure is our best chance of conceiving.  That was a blow to my gut, no answers and trying to find something to blame, because it helped me feel better. I ended up blaming myself (still something I'm working on changing, seeing a psychologist has been a huge help to me.) We had our first medical procedure in June 2016, a unmediated ( IUI) which failed to work.

It's  now been five years, I've struggled on and off with depression triggered by my Infertility, God has been the only thing keeping me centered. My Husband has been my stronghold and our Marriage has gotten so much stronger, that's been the one Blessing I've found from this disease. Marriage is the best thing in my life, along with our wonderful sweet German Shepard, she's the biggest lover and my fierce protector. I'm thankful she snuggles next to me in the mornings and wakes me with kisses, she's my pride and joy and my whole life. We're currently still trying naturally, Spring/Summer of 2019, when we will FINALLY pursue IVF.  We're both physically and emotionally drained from this long road and are excited to have the Doctor's assistance to help us create our family. 


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